We've just lunched newsletter involved with informations from Resurrected. You can subscribe to the newsletter here.
If you want to be notified immeditly about everything involved with Resurrected, sign up to the Resurrected newsletter. Every person who registers before the premiere of the game and creates an game account after its premiere will receive exclusive in-game rewards.
In past year while we working on commissions, we finally ended develop of "Pentakl PHP Framework", which speed up significantly our work flow on web projects. We wanted all our projects to use one framework, so we decided to rewrite our website. While rewritting, we refreshed few things, we've added new ones to keep it up to date.
We also archivised some projects, such as MiniCity, Greedy Dwarves and Against Humanity. They gave way to our current project: Resurrected.
Blizzard annouced remastered version of Diablo 2, which will have title Diablo 2: Resurrected. This was a long awaited annoucement but it is not good news for us.
Unfortunately, we have to consider changing the game title. Of course, we give ourselves time to make this decision because it requires careful analysis.
Ressurected is a dungeon crawler game, which is almost in alpha stage. In a few weeks we will publish first gameplay screenshots from the game. We've been working on it since the beginning of 2019 year.
First playable character in game will be Viking warrior with a huge axe, so stay tuned for more information. We will be pleased if you like game page on Facebook.
Conway\'s Game of Life is a fascinating simulator of cells and their\'s behaviours. That is why we implemented our own version of it with use of 23/3 rules. It is available on our page completly for free
For this occasion we also extended our blog by adding tutorial about how to create Game of Life in Unity3D. Tutorial contains complete code which you can copy and run.
We proudly announce that our development blog is online.
Blog contains one article right now but it will be extended over time. We do not impose on ourselves the rigor of regularly publishing articles in order to maintain high quality of content you are receiving from us. Articles will be related to curious topics we will encounter during our work and also they will describe all key points on projects roadmap.
We are receiving informations from you, that our website is not working correctly on mobile devices. It is true and we know it. Mobile version will be totaly separated version of site and it will be available in near future.
As it was said in previous news, website is currently under development. We are publishing module by module when the given module of the website is ready.
Few words about past projects
As you probably already know, Racial Wars is a "dead" game. This term in context of a collectible card game means that every works with this title was stopped and never will be revoked.
More words about future projects
Mini City is a city life simulator. Work, earn money, eat, go for some fun and more. How will you spent your time in mini cities? And yes, there will be more than one city. Special: Every citizen has its own AI, own preferables and own choices.
Greedy Dwarves is a board game transformed to computer hex map. Collect crystals and become the most rich dwarve. Special: Elimination of board limitation, you can go where you want, in a direction you want. Walking is boring, maybe you would like to swim?
Against Humanity is a first person perspective... secret. Stay tuned for more info.
Finally, the new Pentakl website is online.
New website is simplified and more readable than the old one, we hope you like it. For now, some sections will be unavailable. It will need some more work to be available to use.
Unavailable sections like account, forum, blog, games profile subpages, bussiness relations etc. are still in development, as soon as any of it will be ready, it will be published.
Old website is still available and accessable by this link.
For all the cases, in which you would like to contact with us please use the email address provided below.
All other email addresses which comes from the old webpage are not active any more.
For Authors
We converted from boad games to computer games, and so, as a computer games publisher, if you want to publish your game you can contact with us.
Our publishing profile for board games was closed. If you have any questions about "how to" publish your own board game, write to us, we try to answer all yours questions.
Old page
All the time you can browse the old version of our web page. You can access it by clicking here.
Gliwice, Poland
Racial Wars is fantasy card game. The game is designed for 2-4 players. Gameplay concept is based on ruls that allows to reproduce big fantasy heros battle’s.
The war of races takes place in Ithilion world, which was created specialy for the game purpose. The goal is to conquer the opponent’s residence or to eliminate his leader from the battlefield. The game also becomes more strategic as you play on two fronts.
All detailed data about the game can be found on it’s official website and on facebook page.
Game of life is a cell's state simulator. It's rules are calculated once per generation, so it is some kind of turn based approach.
In mode 23/3 rules are very simple - for every cell: living cell with 2 or 3 neighbors will stay alive to another generation otherwise it will die, empty cell will become alive only if it has exactly 3 neighbors.
All detailed data about the game can be found on it’s official website. You can find it here.
Implementation information and examples of code can be found on our blog.
Ressurected is a dungeon crawler game, which is almost in alpha stage. In a few weeks we will publish first gameplay screens from the game.
First playable character in game will be Viking warrior with a huge axe.
All detailed data about the game can be found on it’s official website and on facebook page.
Work in progress.
Main gool of this project was to build mechanizm to convert 2d texture maps to 3d space perspective projection. On top of this web visualizator was build with abilty to present varius floors collections. It was made with cooperation of SBF 19.
Technology: html+css, javascript, php+iMagick
The project was realized for Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny nr 1. It contains design and implementation of the school website. The site does not use a database on it's background which is why we developed file-based cms for simplified use.
Technology: html+css, javascript, php, file based cms
Pro bono project
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