author Luke | related with Game of Life | Show article » |
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Game of life is a cell's state simulator. It's rules are calculated once per generation, so it is some kind of turn based approach. In mode 23/3 rules are very simple for every cell: living cell with 2 or 3 neighbors will stay alive to another generation otherwise it will die, empty cell will become alive only if it has exactly 3 neighbors.
There are different modes of Game of life (or you can even define your own), but we will use 23/3 as it is mode which was originally invented and used by Conway.
We will provide three classes solution for the purpose of this tutorial. First class will represent generation flow manager, which will be also our main unity script. It will be also responsible for initialization and update of the whole application. Other two classes will be specialized classes for encapsulation Cells and Rules.
The project is conceptually very simple, it has only one aspect which should be taken under consideration. We assume that project array of cells will be 8000 long and wide, so this gives 64 million cells for update every generation. It is too much. As you probably already see, empty cells should be updated but not all, only those that are neighbors of living cells.
In addition, it follows from the above that the mode of 23/3 in our application should be extended by one new rule: if absolute position of living cell in X or Z axis is grater than 8000 it will die.
Project in Unity for the purpose of this tutorial should have at two GameObjects named: 'Scripts' and 'Cells'. To 'Scripts' GameObject you should add component - script named Generation.cs. GameObject named 'Cells' will be root of all Cell GameObjects, only GameObjects placed as a child of 'Cells' will be take into account during update.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class Generation : MonoBehaviour { #region Unity Singleton public static Generation m_Instance = null; public static Generation Instance { get { if (Generation.m_Instance == null) { Generation.m_Instance = GameObject.Find("Scripts").GetComponent<Generation>(); } return Generation.m_Instance; } private set { Generation.m_Instance = value; } } #endregion public Text Info = null; private List<Cell> Cells = new List<Cell>(); private HashSet<Rule> Rules = new HashSet<Rule>(); private Int64 CellsCount = 0; private Int64 GenerationNbr = 0; private GameObject CellsRootGO = null; private Boolean IsAlive = false; private Boolean IsAuto = true; private DateTime LastTime = DateTime.Now; /// <summary> /// Register adds cell to cells list /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Cell">Cell object</param> public void Register(Cell p_Cell) { this.Cells.Add(p_Cell); this.CellsCount++; } /// <summary> /// UnRegister removes cell from cells list /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Cell">Cell object</param> public void UnRegister(Cell p_Cell) { this.Cells.Remove(p_Cell); this.CellsCount--; } /// <summary> /// RulesCheck is responsible for call rules checking in all living cells /// </summary> public void RulesCheck() { foreach (Cell l_Cell in this.Cells) l_Cell.CheckRules(); } /// <summary> /// EnumerateExisting is initialization method used to construct initial list of cells /// </summary> public void EnumerateExisting() { for(Int32 i=0; i<this.CellsRootGO.transform.childCount;i++) { GameObject l_Child = this.CellsRootGO.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject; Cell l_Cell = l_Child.GetComponent<Cell>(); if (l_Cell == null) l_Cell = l_Child.AddComponent<Cell>(); this.Register(l_Cell); } } /// <summary> /// RuleAdd adds rule to rule hashset /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Rule">Rule object</param> public void RuleAdd(Rule p_Rule) { this.Rules.Add(p_Rule); } /// <summary> /// RuleApply calls all rules to be applied /// </summary> public void RulesApply() { foreach (Rule l_Rule in this.Rules) { l_Rule.Apply(this.CellsRootGO.transform); } } /// <summary> /// Clear is responsible for clearing after full generation process ends /// </summary> public void Clear() { this.Rules.Clear(); } /// <summary> /// GameObject Start handler /// </summary> public void Start() { this.CellsRootGO = GameObject.Find("Cells"); this.EnumerateExisting(); } /// <summary> /// GameObject Update handler /// </summary> private void Update() { if (this.IsAlive) { this.GenerationNbr++; this.RulesCheck(); this.RulesApply(); this.Clear(); this.IsAlive = false; } if(this.Info != null) this.Info.text = "Generation: " + this.GenerationNbr + "\n" + "Cells: " + this.CellsCount; if(this.IsAuto) { if ((DateTime.Now - this.LastTime) > TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)) { this.LastTime = DateTime.Now; this.IsAlive = true; } } } }
using System; using UnityEngine; public class Cell : MonoBehaviour { /// <summary> /// Primary implementation of checking rules. /// Checking is made for cell itself and for neighbours cells. /// </summary> public void CheckRules() { //23\3 Int32 l_X = Mathf.FloorToInt(this.transform.position.x); Int32 l_Z = Mathf.FloorToInt(this.transform.position.z); Int32 l_NeighboursLive = Cell.NeighboursAliveCount(l_X, l_Z); if (Math.Abs(l_X) > 8000 || Math.Abs(l_Z) > 8000) Generation.Instance.RuleAdd(new Rule(l_X, l_Z, false, this)); else if (l_NeighboursLive != 2 && l_NeighboursLive != 3) Generation.Instance.RuleAdd(new Rule(l_X, l_Z, false, this)); for (Int32 i = l_X - 1; i <= l_X + 1; i++) for (Int32 j = l_Z - 1; j <= l_Z + 1; j++) { if (!(i == l_X && j == l_Z)) { l_NeighboursLive = Cell.NeighboursAliveCount(i, j); if (l_NeighboursLive == 3) { Cell l_Cell = Cell.Get(i, j); if (l_Cell == null) Generation.Instance.RuleAdd(new Rule(i, j, true, l_Cell)); } } } } /// <summary> /// Destroys GameObject and removes it from cells list /// </summary> public void Destroy() { Generation.Instance.UnRegister(this); GameObject.Destroy(this.gameObject); } /// <summary> /// Helper. Gets Cell located on coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_X">X axis coordinate</param> /// <param name="p_Z">Z axis coordinate</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Cell Get(Int32 p_X, Int32 p_Z) { Collider[] l_Colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(new Vector3(p_X, 0, p_Z), 1.1f); foreach (Collider l_Collider in l_Colliders) { GameObject l_CellGO = l_Collider.gameObject; if (l_CellGO.transform.position.x == p_X && l_CellGO.transform.position.z == p_Z) { return l_CellGO.GetComponent<Cell>(); } } return null; } /// <summary> /// Helper. Gets count of alive neighbours. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_X">X axis coordinate.</param> /// <param name="p_Z">Z axis coordinate.</param> /// <returns></returns> public static Int32 NeighboursAliveCount(Int32 p_X, Int32 p_Z) { Int32 l_NeighboursLive = 0; for (Int32 x = p_X - 1; x <= p_X + 1; x++) for (Int32 z = p_Z - 1; z <= p_Z + 1; z++) if (!(x == p_X && z == p_Z)) if (Cell.Get(x, z) != null) l_NeighboursLive++; return l_NeighboursLive; } }
using System; using UnityEngine; public class Rule : IEquatable<Rule> { public Int32 X = 0; public Int32 Z = 0; public Boolean MakeLive = false; public Boolean MakeDead = false; public Cell Target = null; /// <summary> /// Constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_X">X axis coordinate</param> /// <param name="p_Z">Z axis coordinate</param> /// <param name="p_IsLive">Cell's state to apply</param> /// <param name="p_Target">Cell object</param> public Rule(Int32 p_X, Int32 p_Z, Boolean p_IsLive, Cell p_Target) { this.X = p_X; this.Z = p_Z; if (p_IsLive) this.MakeLive = true; else this.MakeDead = true; this.Target = p_Target; } #region IEquatable implementation public override bool Equals(object p_Coordinate) { Rule l_Coordinate = (Rule)p_Coordinate; return (this.X == l_Coordinate.X && this.Z == l_Coordinate.Z); } public bool Equals(Rule p_Coordinate) { return (this.X == p_Coordinate.X && this.Z == p_Coordinate.Z); } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.X * 31 + this.Z; } #endregion /// <summary> /// Makes cell alive or dead /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Parent">Cell's root transfrom</param> public void Apply(Transform p_Parent) { if(this.MakeLive) { GameObject l_CellGO = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); l_CellGO.transform.parent = p_Parent; l_CellGO.transform.position = new Vector3(this.X, 0, this.Z); Cell l_Cell = l_CellGO.AddComponent<Cell>(); Generation.Instance.Register(l_Cell); } if(this.MakeDead) { if(this.Target!=null) this.Target.Destroy(); } } }
Additionaly you could add Canvas object with Text UI object. Add them to the scene. Text object have to be dragged to Generation script on Info field. It will display basic informations such us generation cycle number and living cells count.
Now you can place cubes (place them as a childs of the 'Cells' GameObject) in any combination on scene and test your initially designed composition. Remember to place cubes only on X and Z axis with Y axis always set to 0, also remember that any coordinates must be real numbers.
If you would like to see, how this works in final product you can check our full version of Conway's 23/3 Game of Life.
2018-12-18 | author Luke | related with Game of Life |